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Recipe - Classic Carbonara

Craving for classic carbonara since the day my keto diet began. Getting MOKI oat fiber spaghetti (keto-friendly) from Bread & Better (IG...

Recipe - Keto Ice Cream

Craving for ice cream during keto but feel so hard to make? We got this, the simplest recipe to get your keto ice cream ready! The...

Recipe - Otak Otak

On this National Coconut Day, admin is trying to do Otak-Otak a.k.a coconut oil steamed egg. Just so you know, Otak-Otak is a Malaysian...

Recipe - Kale Shake

If you hate greens and still want to consume the goodness from kale, try this! Drink you greens! — Kale shake — An easy to make kale...

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Align in low-carbs way

KETO has added such value to my life, and I love having the opportunity to share my passions and thoughts with the community and get people to ALIGN for what is it about.

Read on, and enjoy.

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Fresh Green Dip
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