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Recipe - Kale Shake

If you hate greens and still want to consume the goodness from kale, try this!

Drink you greens!

— Kale shake —

An easy to make kale shake for everyday to go healthy drinks🥤:

A handful of kale, organic (stems and all)

A cup of berries

A glass of water

(If your metabolism is slow, instead of berries add liquid stevia with berry flavour).

Tips: You can always substitute with organic kale powder and no hassle to source for organic fresh kale from the market. Always bear in mind 1 small tsp or kale powder is equivalent to almost 2 cups of fresh kale, so don’t over it.

If you can buy fresh kale always look for organic ones as kale is usually spray with pesticides if they are harvested from non-organic crops farm.

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