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Almond Flour vs Coconut Flour

When it comes to keto baking, would you prefer coconut flour or almond flour?

✔️Both are gluten-free

✔️Both are grain-free

✔️Both are used heavily in low carb and keto cooking

but which is best and how do you use them?

Let's dig in ...

As with most baking ingredients, there are pros and cons, so let's go through them.


1️⃣ Allergies – so many readers are requesting nut-free recipes. Either because they have nut allergies, or like me, their children attend a school with a nut-free policy. So baking with nuts is out of the question.

2️⃣ Cost – coconut flour is cheaper to use. Prices vary from country to country, and what is currently on sale, but for us in New Zealand, coconut flour is half the price of almond meal/flour. Not only is coconut flour cheaper to buy, but the amount you use in a recipe is also incredibly small compared to almond meal/flour. A cake might require cups of almond meal/flour, whereas a coconut flour recipe might only require ¼ of this.

3️⃣ Omega3/6 ratio – almonds have a high omega 6 (pro-inflammatory) content. This isn’t so important when you are just eating a few almonds as a snack, but to rely on cups of almond meal/flour for meals and baking, really does make a difference and adds up quickly.

You may found your baking has failed when you swap coconut flour directly for almond flour.

For those of you new to cooking with coconut flour, it can be tricky to work with unless you understand how coconut flour works and behaves.

I always suggest that you begin to bake with coconut flour using recipes that have already been developed using coconut flour.

Once you feel comfortable with the properties of coconut flour, you might want to try experiment converting some almond flour recipes.

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