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Eat Your Mushroom! They are better than you know

One of the underrated whole foods that you might underestimate it goodness for you...


✔️With a creamy texture, mushrooms are one of the healthiest vegetables you can consume on a keto diet.

✔️They are low in carbs, calories and fat.

✔️They contain a modest amount of fibre and is rich in potassium, magnesium, zinc and folate.

✔️Mushrooms are indeed one of the perfect, low-carb vegetable you can have on keto diet for quick weight loss.

You can add mushrooms to your salads, prepare a delicious cream of mushroom soup and also add mushrooms to sautee vegetables. Or even make a stuffed mushroom with your favourite toppings!!!

Baked portobello mushroom topped with avocado, cheddar cheese, pesto, walnuts and garlic crunch. Yum!

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