💬Seeds are one of our favourite snacks other than nuts isn’t?
💬Do you feel the same way too?
💬As the commonly consumed seeds, both have their benefits to offer, but which is a better to go option?
- Sunflower Seeds -
✔️1oz serving of sunflower seeds = ✔️164 calories
✔️Fiber content = more than 2g
✔️Protein = 6g
✔️Vitamin E, manganese, magnesium
✔️Reduce inflammation
✔️Reduce your risk of heart disease.
✔️High amount of antioxidants
✔️Capable of encouraging a healthier immune system
✔️Improving the health of hair, skin, and nails
- Pumpkin Seeds -
✔️Fewer calories than sunflower seeds,but not by much
✔️1 oz serving = 151 calories
✔️Fiber content = 1.7g
✔️Protein = 7g
✔️Omega-6 fats are nearly the same with sunflower seeds
✔️Higher daily value of magnesium and phosphorus
✔️Lower your blood cholesterol levels
✔️Reduce your risk of breast cancer
✔️Lower your risk of developing bladder stones
✔️Help with menopause symptoms
✔️Sleep is easier to come by after pumpkin seed consumption, thanks to zinc and tryptophan in the seeds, both of which are necessary for creating serotonin.
ℹ️In summary, the nutritional value of pumpkin seed type offers these benefits and more.